Thursday, April 23, 2009

another one bites the dust!

just finished my Lions Christmas card for Chuck's class. On to the next assignment!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Presenting...Sushi Cat!!

My final for Keith's class. My direction was to do "anything I want". So I give you, Sushi Cat!


Here's a quick spot illustration I did for E.Olson's class. The assignment was "relationship between the living and the dead". My list of things to do is getting shorter and shorter!! I can't wait until I'm all finished!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

crankin the crank!

I've been crazy busy lately trying to get things done. It's almost the last week of school, so everything needs to be done, like, NOW haha. I finished the Faerie Tales cat poster and sent it off to be printed. I also finished the panel of my tryptic for E.Olson...I'm just trying to get everything done ASAP so I can relax and watch everyone else run around like chickens with their heads cut off. I love the end of the year :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

faerie tales..or TAILS I should say!

Faerie Tales Cat Rescue commissioned me to make them a poster for adoption day at the Detroit Zoo. I haven't heard back from them about the changes yet, so here's what I sent them...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

first panel es finito!

I finished the first panel of my tryptic for Erik's class. Still two more to do...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Peep out homies!

Finished the last part of the Peeps thing. I'm getting pretty worn out. Good thing school is almost done for the year!